Friday, February 25, 2011


What else can you find on the Web? You’ve probably visited many Web sites by now or at least seen them advertised on TV or in periodicals or heard about them on the radio. A Web site is a location that is accessible from the Internet and makes Web pages available. A Web page is any document on a Web site includes text, graphics, sound, animation, or video. A Web site typically contains a home page (also called an index page), which is a default page that’s displayed automatically when u enter a site at its top level. It’s amazing to think that the Web’s billions of documents are almost instantly accessible means of the computer sitting on your desk. More than 300,000 new Web page appear every week. The Web is also appealing because of its graphical richness, which is made possible by the integration of text and graphics. Increasingly, Web pages are as well designed as the pages of commercial magazines, and the often feature fonts of the quality you’d associate with desktop publishing.

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